no·mol·o·gy n.
The study and discovery of general physical and logical laws.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Lambdaish Perl

Here's a snippet I wrote to test code references.

my $f = sub {
  my $a = shift;
&$f( sub { print "hej\n"; } );

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Type cast in Perl DBI

Problem: A seemingly innocuous SQL can turn out to be very strenuous for a database if it needs to do type conversion. Worst case scenario is a full table scan just because the WHERE clause contains mismatching types in a comparison. Imagine, for example, that the column id in the table customers below is a VARCHAR. If we're talking to an Oracle database and send it an integer, the resulting execution plan could be near disastrous.

FROM customers
WHERE id = ?

In Perl, an untyped language where strings and integers are interchangeable, how can I ensure that I'm sending a string via DBI to the database if the string only contains numerals?

Solution #1: Wrap the value in a string:

$sth->execute( "$indata" );

Perl is more of a "semi-typed" language than a totally untyped language, and keeps track of whether a scalar is a string or an integer. The only reason the values are interchangeable is because of the transparent type conversion.

Solution #2: Use the explicit bind_param method and specify the data type:

use DBI qw(:sql_types);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $indata, SQL_VARCHAR );        # index, value and type

Monday, August 4, 2008

Not to be confused with nomología

This blog is my personal programming blog. It's not about the study of law or jurisprudence. As evidenced by the subtitle, I am using the second meaning of the word "nomology". I want a space where I can talk specifically about source code and programming languages, so I'll only be talking about the physical and logical laws as evident in and applied to computer programming.